Motivation is subjective and very much changeable. We all have our heydays of slumping behind—the quest to work no more or even get out of bed. It’s perfectly OKAY to cut the crap for a while and unwind a little. Midweek is one such depreciation that deprives us of any energy and juices away any motivation, if at all.
The slump isn’t as scary as the preceding days that were spent being productive. It leaves us questioning our current progress, this stagnant descent, and the nerve-wracking confusion about how to commence again! According to statistics, employees work 20% better when motivated.
- So how do we find midweek motivation?
- Where to squeeze back our motivation from?
- And how to stay driven throughout the week for work?
Midweek frequently stretches us between the productive week-start and the boosting hit-the-club weekend. We continually dispute whether to resume work or daydream about the unapologetic weekend.
Nonetheless, sometimes it isn’t our workplace or professional ethics but moderately our lack of motivation and creatives towards it. Without motives, even the most appealing attributes seem dull.
This article will propose numerous responsible and fruitful approaches to how to find motivation during the middle of the week.
The midweek slowdown and no motivation can consume countless productive dates—blowing you off with delayed work, seizing vacant holidays, and having you be seated on the working couch without any remorse.
However, it’s not the end; having midweek motivation can be a challenge but not impossible. Trust me; you are more than capable. Here’s how:
1. Break your routine!
Your beginning weekdays were advanced with productive moments and heaps of motivation at hand. Just like every human emotion, motivation and productivity will eventually drain as well. This drainage can lead to an uninvited slump or vigorous stuck in a rut situation.
Being stuck in a rut is familiar with or without a workplace, and the sole cause could be its repetitive schedule day-by-day. Possibly, the continued obligated project throughout the week resulted in this forlorn midweek slowdown. For a change, substitute your attention to a distinct routine.
This routine change can be as small as you’d like—
- Improve your workplace.
- Initiate a separate stream of the same project.
- Standardize a different schedule and working hours.
- Delay the current project and spend your time into something more boastful and flowing.
Depending on your workplace, the variations can be interpreted:
- Switch your project’s designation. If you manage the whole team and the event, switch to something more forgiving—doing on-site checks or perhaps re-evaluating and re-checking all the work done.
- Attempt your potential at an (exceptional) postponed task that’s issued for the latter. This could involve further business meetings, strategizing with the team, approving other’s work, experiencing conferences, etc. Switch to a project’s task that’s most interesting in your field of business.
- Changing your environment: Ditch your work table and occupy a small space in the office’s backyard, your house’s veranda, or redecorate your workplace with something more energizing like plants. Organize your table and declutter unwanted material.
- Rearrange your schedule for the day. Instead of continuing the same routine, readjust the time frame. If you are working early in the morning, start a little late. Surprise yourself with a classic lunch/dinner instead of eating in your cabin alone.
2. Re-designing goals and your motives
Be straightforward and inquire yourself if you relish accomplishing this job at hand? If yes, what fascinates you in this goal?
- Does it complement your being?
- Does it help you achieve something more meaningful in life?
- Is it exciting enough to continue?
The answer is probably yes. Self-analyzing the significance of your job will help you discern the exciting terms and conditions of your valued work. What aspects of your work interest you the most? Let’s start from there!
- If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.—Steve Jobs
Once you acknowledge the drill, you will be magically pulled towards your appealing work platform!
Change your perception of work and how you administer it. Are you exclusively working because it provides you stability and financial support? Is it a bothersome chore you simply have to deal with?
Work shouldn’t be prejudiced as an unwanted chore. You must work to explore your possibilities!
- Work to strengthen your exciting present, work to constitute a life you deserve.
- Savor and embrace your interests.
It’s 2021, and humans are past the 9-5 working hours without incentives. You can create your own work ethics, opportunities, and work that’s compelling enough for you.
Unfortunately, if you are stuck at an undesired job, try to figure out how to get out! Use this job as a means and motivation to proceed further, to build something more worth it.
3. Reward yourself for things done.
We, as humans, often disregard our own struggles, hard work, and accomplishments. Sometimes I notice myself questioning—why am I remarkably so harsh, bitter, and unappreciative towards my own being?
Individuals sincerely consider that they are not enough, their present is not sufficient, and they must continue to prove themselves without acknowledging their significance and self-worth.
Take a break from self-loathing and undermining yourself and appreciate the things you have achieved. Acknowledge the motivation and productivity that surged your Mondays because no, not everyone can do that, darling!
Acknowledge every little struggle that you overcome and every little task you complete.
This voyage of self-worth shouldn’t ever seize. Appreciation must be accompanied by rewarding yourself for things achieved. Reward yourself with a cut-the-rut break after finishing the bothersome Mondays and Tuesdays.
Rewarding yourself will manifest positivity, and that will reciprocate productivity.
- Treat yourself to delicious meals.
- Take occasional breaks and re-energize your aura. Wander away or get lost in nature, or enjoy being inspired by your favorite speaker.
- Gift yourself something you’ve been wanting for a long time.
- Prioritize yourself and cancel forced plans to self-love.
- Show compassion towards yourself.
4. Split your bigger goals into smaller, more exciting envision
Sometimes, bigger goals seem far-fetched—owning a house, purchasing your dream car, changing jobs, investing in self-employment, or planning your own business.
Not only this, but your current position might as well have far-fetched goals—completing the delayed report, unsold ideas, finishing a big project, organizing events, handling the complete team, or simply meeting today’s demands.
Break and split things up! Map out a future plan that directs your present. Invest your time into building realistic strategies that are attainable rather than forging aimless resolutions.
Aiming for something beyond your personal capabilities will engrave you with tiredness, desperation, disappointments, demotivation, and inevitable failed results.
Be more realistic while directing a goal and consider your social, mental, and physical health.
Break your present goals into smaller bits rather than accessing them wholly at once. For instance, divide your tasks into more minor levels of accomplishments. Treat yourself with every level crossed. Smaller stations are easier to accomplish. Two famous quotes that empathize smaller goals:
- “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground’—Theodore Roosevelt.
Explore your boundless dreams but build a realistic plan to achieve them. Contemplate your capabilities and your health before you go ahead and produce a tiresome blueprint.
- “Every drop counts and suffices the ocean.”
Surprisingly, circumstances that seem unattainable start to appear more plausible when you break them into fragments and levels. Again, don’t force yourself beyond your limits.
Over-working may or may not accomplish short-term goals, but it will result in drained energy, a dizzy mental state, and an exhausted physical being.
5. Tidy your workplace
Messy workspace, lifeless walls, and cluttered offices can demotivate you abundantly for the entire week. Perhaps, you relish the job, but you can’t seem to operate with your edgy, characterless office.
Do you often struggle to find the essential project files in-between the heavy mess of clutter that you call your office?
It’s time to make circumstances more compelling or more lively! Consult your supervisor before you go ahead and paint the whole office with butterflies and unicorns. You don’t necessarily have to make significant changes.
Decluttering, adding colorful banters, greenery, plants, and some warm lights would be enough to uplift your dull day.
- Get rid of unuseful commodities to free up space and your creative fluidity.
- Tidy your desk and organize files, papers in their respective orders. Use clips, additional files, storage boxes, and different cabinets for storing essentials.
- Add plants, expressive paintings, opulent furnishings (if you may) to enlighten your room. Individuals enjoy coming to a well-organized and attractive workplace.
6. Constant growth and progression.
Without consistency, stability, and realistic potential—you will slowly evaporate with the burdens of the world and work. Believing in instantaneous growth is as fruitless as exhausting yourself down with a furious work speed.
Acknowledge your capabilities and natural productivity every day, and don’t try to exceed that limit with absolute determination.
By all means, if you yearn to enhance your potential every day, it’s best to support gradual growth and performance.
For instance, suppose you are pursuing self-employment and are investing 3-4 hours daily on your business. However, if you can invest a little more time and effort in your personalized work, then increase not more than half n’ hour every week (or depending on your inclinations)
Working endlessly without rest and time will have you resent your current job, your possible future business, and your weary self. Work is excellent as long as it delivers you satisfaction; it starts to take a toll on you when you override yourself. Slow, consistent growth will benefit you naturally!
Don’t overwork even if you have delayed assignments. It’s better to consult your supervisor and to ask for more time rather than killing your muse for the coming days.
7. Find your muse
When producing goods/accomplishing tasks is no longer the excitement of your work life but solely the source of endless deadlines, production, and finance, work loses its enchantment. It’s plausible that you are losing your muse.
After approaching a comparable situation in life and workspace, take a solitude pause and discover your forgotten muse again. Did you or did you not open/join this firm for excitement, achievements, and dreams? When dreams are lost in attempts of securing tremendous amounts of money, we misplace our inspiration.
It’s beautiful when there’s art behind your actions; it’s dignified when you contempt the actual usefulness of your services; it’s charming as long as your devotion is noble and from the heart.
8. Refocus and recharge
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily”—Zig Ziglar.
Human beings are rechargeable entities; the day’s tiredness is ultimately renewed with night’s warm and intimate slumber. No matter how resilient our emotions are, our physical bodies will naturally do everything in their power to unwind, relax, and revive.
Physical drainage can influence your mental state of consciousness and, retrospectively, your potency as well. If your last couple of days have been challenging and reckless—perhaps, your solemn necessity is to rest and sleep rather than motivation. Exhaustion can never manifest a courageous attitude towards work.
- Take a holiday and spend your Wednesday with dogs, sleep, and re-energizing.
- While you are at it, don’t burden your thoughts with work-related concerns. Let go completely!
- Unless you cannot jeopardize an entire day to unwind, if so, take half day leave and return with recharged batteries.
- Letting go sometimes is equally powerful.
Our emotions adapt to whatever society throws at us; we are designed as desired by the community. We are frequently asked to—work until we succeed. However, should you unquestionably allow yourself to revolve solely around work? I suppose, no! There’s more to life, and you must explore it all with and without work as your constant stress.
Allow yourself to separate ways from others’ acceptance and live your life on self terms and conditions. If society says—work, but your body urges—rest. Then, rest, recharge and work on yourself.
“Why should I live upto other people’s expectations instead of my own?”—10 things I hate about you.
No, don’t work until you succeed! Work, eat healthily, have more than one hobby, stay fit, waste time, spend time energizing yourself, relax, rest, sleep, ditch work, ditch society, eat again, work, repeat, and repeat. Don’t work to succeed in the non-existential future; work because it gives your life meaning and joy.
9. Consider changing career
Sometimes, Wednesdays are just excuses you use to dawdle the job you don’t want to pursue anymore. Re-evaluate your job purpose and if it’s absolutely what you desire presently and in the near future. Letting go of a job and the financial support is equally difficult but being stuck in a position you don’t enjoy is scarier.
Starting a new business will also result in financial instability, constant labor, hour-on-hour works, continued failure, investments without beneficial profits. Still, it would be something you’d love to do.
When musicians practice their instruments for hours and hours, they particularly don’t care about calloused, bruised fingertips or strained bodies. They are devoted and lost in the musical divine. Work should be a paradise for you, something you can dedicate to.
“Security is mostly a superstition. Life’s either a daring adventure or nothing.”—Helen Keller.
It’s all philosophical until reality hits you, and it seems scarier up close. You can choose a passion, or you can choose stability. Of course, you can always find an intermediate between the two, the significant balance between both worlds.
- Before you switch careers, build a foolproof strategy and blueprint to monitor every stride you take.
- Be courageous.
- Believe in yourself and your dream job.
- Don’t fear failure. Learn from them.
- Support your dream job with accurate strategies, realistic goal plans, resources, and dedication.
10 Quotes for kicking Midweek Motivation and Aspiration
Quotes express our willpower, the words we could never portray. Reflect inwards with these powerful sayings from some of the most powerful, successful people who did a great job at inspiring life!
- “We need diversity of thoughts to meet new challenges”—Tim Berner.
- “When you do common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world”—George Washington.
- “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”—Albert Einstein.
- “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”—Issac Newton.
- “When one door closes, another opens. We often look for so long and so regretfully at the closed door that we do not see which one has opened for us.”—Alexander Graham Bell.
- Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have, or do.
- “Don’t let yesterday take too much of your today.”—Will Rogers.
- If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.—Steve Jobs
- “People who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do!”—Rob Siltanen.
- “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.”—Maya Angelou.
- Security is mostly a superstition. Life’s either a daring adventure or nothing.”—Helen Keller.
- “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”—Albert Einstein.
- “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream”—C.S. Lewis
- “For every reason, it’s not possible; there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.”—Jack Canfield.
- A clear vision backed by definite goals gives you tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power.”—Brian Tracy.
Midweek motivation can be something really hard to find at first. It’s perfectly normal to feel this way, even the week start or the weekend.
Be generous and modest towards yourself before straining into an uneventful day. Are you physically and mentally powered enough to continue to work on this particular Wednesday? If no, don’t be hard on yourself.
In the end, you decide what’s best for your Wednesday. If it’s your job, try to perform your tasks with more enthusiasm and entertaining methods. Add excitement to the task at hand.
- Listen to boosting music, sway your body, and meditate to soothe up.
- Use games and rewards to increase anticipation.
- Discipline and sincerity towards work.
- Indulge and get inspired by motivated people. Meet individuals you admire and get motivated. Indirect motivation!
Sometimes, sleeping and relaxing are motivations as well.